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  • Toshiba B-EX4T1 (205/305dpi)

    Toshiba B-EX4T1 (205/305dpi)

    (Label Printer)

    * Printing speed: up to 355.6mm/s
    * Resolution: 203dpi / 305dpi
    * Memory: 32 MB memory, 16 MB flash memory
    * Interface:USB 2.0, Ethernet
    OEM gurantee Free delivery
  • Toshiba B-EX4T1 (305dpi)

    Toshiba B-EX4T1 (305dpi)

    (Label Printer)

    * Printing speed: up to 355.6mm/s
    * Resolution: 305dpi
    * Memory: 32 MB memory, 16 MB flash memory
    * Interface:USB 2.0, Ethernet
    OEM gurantee Free delivery